Let me out of here
Hank stands on the deck, looking out into the yard, planning his escape route. We just have the gate to finish. Until then, we have a large board covering the opening. On our carport, we have a large trailer holding all the wood. When I let Hank out all I have to do is block the path on the carport the trailer doesn't block. Well, Hank decided he would rather crawl under the entire trailer than be in his backyard prison. This was 8am that he discovered his escape route. I am standing in a neighbors yard that hates dogs (and has called animal services on another neighbor before), in what clothes you'd throw in when your dog escapes at 8am (bra excluded), with wild woman hair and a bag full of doggie treat bribery. Hank is very smart, he knows if he gets the treat it may mean his plan is foiled and he will be caught. He cautiously approaches, grabs the treat, and darts away. Sometimes he mocks me by running laps around me. Finally, he does something stupid... he obeys my request for tricks. Hank sit, Hank beg, Hank lay down. Got em', Damn dog.
ahhhhh ha ha ha i sympathize completely!!! - Beth
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